Safety - Into The Brink
I know every angler out there would not on purpose throw their back seat angler
over the side in freezing water fully dressed.
What a way to start off a article, but it happened to me last October. My best
friend that I taught how to fish has changed into a monster. He went out and bought a Nitro Z8 with a 250 on the
This article does not apply just to this boat but any water craft.
We had just finished fishing a shore line and was securing the rods to the floor.
I had bent over while sitting in the chair to lock the rods down. I heard the big motor start up and I had not put
on my life jacket yet. I started to stand up to move down next to driver seat in the boat.
My buddy put the boat in gear and started turning to the left. And there I go
doing a pretty flip into the brink I went on my way to dying.
My face hit the side of the boat as I felt my glasses cut my forehead but I was
able to grab the side of the boat to hold on for dear life. My buddy grabbed me as I was being dragged by the boat.
Every ounce of strength I had was used to keep me from going behind the boat where the big motor was
My buddy was scared to death; he was trying to hold on to me as I was yelling to
shut the motor off. He was afraid if he let go I would sink with all the clothes I had on to be ready for a cold
The big motor was shut down, and I started to move to the back of the boat to get
back aboard. I remembered the article I wrote about letting the big motor help get you back in the boat by using
the tilt on the big motor. My Buddy had ahold of my belt and was pulling like crazy as I finally was able to keep
doing what I love for the hogs.
One thing from now on will be to not remove my Life Jacket, and number 2 is make
sure everyone is secure in their seats before the big motor is started.
That flip into the brink could have gone all wrong and I would not be here writing
this article and not going to Pick Wick Lake next October.
If the water and the air was not cold enough, the ride back to the ramp made it a
lot colder in wet clothes as I relived my brush with checking out.
I hope this article might save some other angler from making the dumb mistake that
I made.
You learn from mistakes but maybe the next time will be the last mistake I
Keep the Hooks Wet!
Steve McGoldrick