Boat Propeller Check Up
I always pass on items as I learn and this one is a very important one that I
did not think of until my boat went
into the shop for Spring Get Ready.
Was talking to the tech, and was
explaining that last time on the water I was turning 6,300 RPM and my 115
Johnson is equipped with a 19 pitch prop. It should only be turning 5500 at top speed and not to be left at that high RPM for very
Without the Prop - You Are Dead In The
Each year that you have your lower unit oil changed out you need to take
the propeller off and take it to a Prop Repair Shop and have them check
out the Hub.
The hub is a black rubber ring that goes around the teeth in the prop and a close inspection showed that
the rubber ring was pushing out. I guess a better way to explain would be
like your truck transmission starting to slip. The same applies to you
boat prop.
Ed's Prop Shop in Memphis Tennessee tested the prop and informed me that it
was slipping.
I asked if I need to buy a new prop or could this one be fixed, the
tech informed me that it could be fixed at a small fraction of what a new
Prop would cost me.
I had my prop repaired and
while all this is happening, I had the tech inspect and repair any dings found on each
Dings will effect motor performance.
I have attached a
picture of what my prop looks like now and as you can see it is just
like a brand new one out of the box.
I only wished that I had taken some pictures before so I could show what the prop looked like before
repair, and believe me I had some dings on my blades.
This is another item that could ruin your first trip out or later on in
the fishing season cause you to be off the water just because you did not
take the time to check your PROP out.
Keep The Hooks Wet